Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed, pubblicato il trailer di lancio su Nintendo Switch

XSEED Games ha pubblicato il trailer di lancio dedicato di Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed, ora disponibile  su Nintendo Switch.

L’action RPG di Acquire rilasciato nel 2012 su PSP, è stato pubblicato lo scorso 20 luglio 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

Expose the evil lurking in Japan’s pop culture mecca in this HD update of the first entry in the AKIBA’S TRIP series.

Supernatural creatures are stalking the pop culture mecca of Akihabara—and you know that because they’ve turned you into one of them. Their only weakness, and yours, is sunlight, which means there’s only one way to stop them: call them out on the streets, knock their clothes off, and expose their skin before they can do it to you.

Arm yourself with a rolled-up poster, a guitar, a laptop, a magical girl wand, or (if you insist) an actual weapon, then hit Akihabara’s colorful streets. Browse recreations of real-life shops circa 2011, mingle with Akiba’s residents and tourists, and discover the town’s many secrets.

Will you work with the secret paranormal-hunting agency, give the creatures a fair shake (hey, some of them seem all right), or just look out for your otaku friends? Choose your side, choose your missions, and enjoy a freewheeling adventure with AKIBA’S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed.

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